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    Liza Al Sady - Healing with Breathwork (#015)

    In this episode of Don't Step on the Bluebells, Amanda Parker talks with Liza Al Sady about the transformative power of breathwork for emotional release, personal growth, and healing. Liza shares her journey and how she combines conscious connected breathing with her own toolbox of healing to help people access deeper parts of themselves.

    Read the full Show Notes below!

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  • "Your mind, it will create stories and will make you think that, actually, healing is this really difficult thing, unattainable thing, and that it has to be at the right time, it has to be at the right location, but what's harder than healing is actually living your life, carrying baggage, and carrying stuff that actually is not yours to carry."

    - Liza Al Sady

  • Today's Guest


    Hey I’m Liza Al Sady and I spent the past 15 years working in the corporate world feeling stressed, constantly chasing my next deal and overwhelmed. About 5 years ago I started looking into alternative wellness & therapies because I felt it was time that I faced my trauma head-on and committed to healing. I came to understand that no amount of avoidance could alleviate the heavy feeling I carried within me. It was like carrying emotional baggage weighing me down.


    Amid my path of self-discovery and spiritual growth, I stumbled upon Breathwork, and it has profoundly changed my life. Early in 2022, I was appointed as Head of Well-being for the largest Education Recruitment Agency in the UK. I introduced breathwork and mindfulness across London and 9 regional offices, and witnessing my ‘suited and booted’ colleagues embrace breathwork for stress and anxiety management was an incredibly fulfilling moment.


    This experience inspired me to create a conscious lifestyle brand, aiming to make breathwork accessible to as many businesses and people as possible. I trained in Neo Emotional Release and qualified as a Conscious Connected Breathwork Coach & Teacher under JP Crimi, a leading expert in the science and ancient wisdom of Breathwork.


    My mission is to empower others with the life-changing benefits of breathwork.


    Being a conscious brand isn’t about us, it’s about empowering you. At Soul Space Studio, we are committed to supporting you to lead a mindful life and giving you the tools you need to make more conscious decisions in your daily life.



    How to get in touch:


    Website: www.soulspace-studio.com

    Email: hello@soulspace-studio.com

    Instagram: @soulspace.studio

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lizaalsady/

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  • Show Notes

    In this episode of Don't Step on the Bluebells, Amanda Parker speaks with Liza Al Sady about the power of breathwork for healing. Liza explains that breathwork is an umbrella term encompassing various breathing techniques that can help relax the body, increase energy, or promote cathartic release. Liza shares her personal journey - after experiencing burnout in the corporate world, she began exploring various healing modalities and found breathwork to be a powerful tool for her own transformation.


    She discusses Conscious Connected Breathwork, a specific technique involving active, cyclical breathing that helps move stagnant energy and old stories held in the body. This type of breathwork can lead to emotional release, improved sleep, and physical benefits. Liza emphasizes that the breath is wise and can guide individuals to exactly what they need in each session.


    Liza's approach to breathwork incorporates additional elements such as scent, sound, and bodywork to create an immersive experience. She also touches on the similarities between breathwork and psychedelic experiences in terms of their effects on the mind and body.


    Finally, Liza encourages listeners to embrace their stories unapologetically and to love and accept every version of themselves. She reminds us that while healing can be challenging, carrying emotional baggage is even harder in the long run.


    To learn more about Liza's work or to book a session, visit www.soulspace-studio.com or find her on Instagram @soulspace.studio.

    Key Takeaways

    • Breathwork is an umbrella term for various breathing techniques that can help achieve different states within the body, such as relaxation, increased energy, or emotional release.
    • Conscious Connected Breathwork is a specific technique involving active, cyclical breathing (two breaths in, one breath out) that can help move stagnant energy and old stories held in the body.
    • Breathwork can be a powerful complementary tool to talk therapy, as it allows individuals to access and process emotions and experiences stored in the body.
    • During a breathwork session, people may experience various sensations, visualizations, or emotional releases. The breath is considered wise, guiding each person to what they need at that moment.
    • Liza's approach to breathwork incorporates elements like scent, sound, and bodywork to create an immersive, safe space for healing and transformation.
    • Breathwork can have effects on the mind and body similar to those of psychedelic experiences.
    • Healing involves accepting and loving every version of oneself, even the parts that are difficult to face. While healing can be challenging, carrying emotional baggage is ultimately harder.
    • Sharing personal stories without shame can inspire others to stand in their power and embrace their own journeys.
  • What We Talked About

    • How different breathing techniques can help achieve relaxation, increase energy, or promote emotional release
    • Liza's personal journey and how she discovered breathwork as a powerful healing modality
    • Conscious Connected Breathwork, a specific technique involving active, cyclical breathing
    • How breathwork can help move stagnant energy and old stories held in the body
    • The potential for emotional release, improved sleep, and physical benefits through breathwork
    • The wisdom of the breath in guiding individuals to what they need in each session
    • Liza's approach to creating immersive breathwork experiences using scent, sound, and bodywork
    • Similarities between breathwork and psychedelic experiences in terms of their effects on the mind and body
    • The importance of embracing one's story unapologetically and accepting every version of oneself
    • The challenges of healing and the ultimate benefits of facing emotional baggage

    Guest Quotes

    • "Breathwork really is sort of an umbrella, I think, term to describe the different types of breathing techniques and practices that you can use to achieve different states within your body."
    • "The body holds onto all of the stories and the memories that you have gone through, even before you were born, when you were in the womb, that family lineage and that ancestral lineage that's linked to you, your body holds onto that, right?"
    • "Conscious Connected Breathwork is a three part breathing technique, right? It's two breaths in and one breath out, and we actually use the mouth throughout this experience."
    • "You don't know where your breath is going to take you. You set an intention, and then it takes you and shows you, because during the breathwork session you might see colors, you might see vizualisations, you might, you might meet parts or versions of yourself throughout the experience, or you might even meet, you know, people that have passed on."
    • "Healing is hard. You know, you're going to meet parts of you, and you're going to connect to different parts that you thought are who you are, but actually are not. And my advice is that your mind, it will create stories and will make you think that actually healing is this really difficult thing, unattainable thing, and that it has to be at the right time, it has to be at the right location, but what's harder than healing is actually living your life, carrying baggage, and carrying stuff that actually is not yours to carry."
    • "I always tell my clients, bring your awareness to a river, right? And imagine your body just like a river. You know, a river flows with this beautiful water that runs through, it's clear, it's glistening, it's shiny. When you're doing Conscious Connected Breathwork, your breath is taking you to those places in your body that are holding stagnant energy and are holding old stories and are holding energy that's not yours to carry."
    • "Catharsis is about venting, and it's about cleansing, and it's about clearing. It's an unclogging and a declogging. And so, of course, when you're moving stuff with your breath, emotional release can happen."
    • "Healing is about knowing more about who you are, but also the idea of being unapologetically in your story, and accepting and loving every single version of you. Even those parts that you tend to push down, the parts that you don't approve of or the old versions of you that you kind of sometimes go, 'Oh, I wish I didn't do that.'"
  • Resources to Learn More

    • Soul Space Studio - Liza Al Sady's breathwork studio, offering immersive breathwork experiences, workshops, and private sessions.
    • “Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art” by James Nestor - which discusses the importance of proper breathing techniques for overall health and well-being.
    • Rebirthing Breathwork: A type of breathwork that originated in the 1970s and involves a specific breathing technique to help individuals release emotional and physical tensions, often associated with the birth process.
    • The Hoffman Institute - A center that offers intensive therapeutic retreats, known as the Hoffman Process. The process aims to help individuals identify and release negative behavioral patterns, emotional blocks, and beliefs that may have originated in childhood. Through various techniques, including breathwork, participants work on self-awareness, forgiveness, and personal growth.
    • The Mandrake Hotel - A hotel in London that hosts several transformational and spiritual experiences, and where Liza Al Sady regularly hosts breathwork events 
  • Terms & Tools to Dig Deeper

    • Breathwork - An umbrella term for various breathing techniques and practices used to achieve different states within the body, such as relaxation, increased energy, or emotional release.
    • Catharsis - The process of releasing strong or repressed emotions, often leading to a sense of relief or renewal.
    • Conscious Connected Breathwork - A specific breathwork technique involving active, cyclical breathing (two breaths in, one breath out) that can help move stagnant energy and old stories held in the body.
    • Emotional Release - The process of allowing oneself to feel and express emotions that may have been suppressed or held in the body, often leading to a sense of relief or lightness.
    • Healing - The process of becoming whole and healthy again, both physically and emotionally, often involving self-acceptance, processing past experiences, and releasing emotional baggage.
    • Immersive Experience - A type of experience designed to fully engage the senses and create a safe, supportive environment for healing and transformation.
    • Psychedelic Experiences - Altered states of consciousness often characterized by changes in perception, thought, and emotion, sometimes compared to the effects of breathwork on the mind and body.
    • Somatic Therapy - A type of therapy that focuses on the connection between the mind and the body, often involving techniques that help individuals process emotions and experiences stored in the body.
    • Talk Therapy - A type of therapy that involves talking with a trained therapist to process thoughts, feelings, and experiences, often with the goal of gaining insight, resolving conflicts, or improving mental health.
  • Read the Full Transcript

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