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    Sandra Ingerman - Healing with Shamanic Wisdom (#013)

    In this episode of Don't Step on the Bluebells, world-renowned shamanic teacher and elder Sandra Ingerman shares her insights on the enduring relevance of shamanic practice and how it can help individuals navigate the challenges of the modern world, drawing parallels between traditional initiatory experiences and the current global situation.

    Read the full Show Notes below!

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  • "In an initiation, like we're going through where we're really just being asked to change roles and to not let our ego think it's in control of everything and let our spirit and our soul shine more in the world and guide us."

    - Sandra Ingerman

  • Today's Guest


    Sandra Ingerman, MA, a world-renowned teacher of shamanism, is recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods with modern culture. She’s taught for 40 years, including workshops worldwide on shamanic journeying, healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods.


    Sandra is a licensed marriage and family therapist, professional mental health counselor, and a board-certified expert on traumatic stress. Watkins Body Mind Spirit magazine honored her by including her in their 100 Most Spiritually Influential People of 2020. She was also chosen as one of the Top 10 Spiritual Leaders of 2013 by Spirituality and Health magazine and was awarded the 2007 Peace Award from the Global Foundation for Integrative Medicine.


    She’s authored 13 books, including Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self... Medicine for the Earth... Walking in Light... and The Book of Ceremony: Shamanic Wisdom for Invoking the Sacred in Everyday Life. Sandra and Hank Wesselman's book, Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation, won both the 2011 COVR (Coalition of Visionary Resources) Visionary Award and the 2011 IPPY (Independent Publisher Book Award).


    Recently launched is Sandra’s new book she co-wrote with Llyn Roberts on Walking Through Darkness: A Nature Based Path to Navigating Suffering and Loss.

    Since the 1980s, thousands of people have healed from past and present traumas through Soul Retrieval, the classic cross-cultural shamanic healing method Sandra teaches.


    Sandra is recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods into our modern culture addressing the needs of our times.


    Sandra is known for gathering the global spiritual community together to perform powerful transformative ceremonies as well as inspiring us to stand strong in unity, so we do our own spiritual and social activism work while keeping a vision of hope and being a light in the world.


    She is passionate about helping people to reconnect with nature.


    Sandra joined in partnership with Renee Baribeau to create a weekly, 30-minute podcast called The Shamans Cave.



    How to get in touch:






    Podcast: The Shaman’s Cave

    Instagram: @ingermansandra

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SandraIngerman 

    Twitter (X): https:twitter.com/sandraingerman

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  • Show Notes

    In this episode of "Don't Step on the Bluebells," host Amanda Parker is joined by world-renowned shamanic teacher and elder Sandra Ingerman. With 40 years of experience teaching shamanism, Sandra shares her insights on the practice's enduring relevance and its ability to help individuals navigate the challenges of the modern world. She discusses how shamanism has survived for over 100,000 years due to its result-oriented nature and adaptability to the evolving needs of the planet and its inhabitants.


    Sandra emphasizes the importance of community in shamanic practice, explaining how initiatory experiences in traditional cultures were designed to strip away the ego and allow the spirit to shine through. These initiations helped individuals become powerful members of their community, contributing to its survival and strength. Drawing parallels to the current global situation, Sandra suggests that the world is undergoing a significant initiation, characterized by disaster, loss, war, and mysterious health issues. She believes that this time presents an opportunity for people to examine their unhealthy ways of living, lack of self-love, and disconnection from the creative forces of the universe and nature.


    Throughout the episode, Sandra shares insights from her latest book, "Walking Through Darkness," which explores the concept of initiation and its relevance to the challenges faced by the world today. She emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with nature and the creative forces of the universe to thrive and grow, both individually and collectively. Sandra's wisdom and experience offer listeners a unique perspective on navigating the challenges of the modern world through the lens of shamanic practice.

    Key Takeaways

    • The world is undergoing a significant initiation, offering an opportunity for growth and transformation.
    • Shamanism has thrived for over 100,000 years due to its result-oriented nature and adaptability.
    • Feeling lost is natural during the initiation process; simple actions can help navigate challenges.
    • Reconnecting with nature is vital for personal growth and healing.
    • Shamanic practices offer stability, wisdom, and guidance during difficult times.
    • Holding onto hope and destiny is crucial during challenging times.
    • Sandra Ingerman provides wisdom for navigating life's challenges through shamanic practice and reconnecting with nature and our true selves.
  • What We Talked About

    • Sandra's 40 years of experience teaching shamanism and its impact on Amanda's personal journey into shamanic practice.
    • The reasons behind shamanism's survival for over 100,000 years, including its result-oriented nature and adaptability to the changing needs of the planet and its inhabitants.
    • The importance of community in shamanic practice and how initiatory experiences help individuals become strong, contributing members of their community.
    • The current global situation as a significant initiation, presenting an opportunity for people to examine their unhealthy ways of living and disconnection from nature and the creative forces of the universe.
    • The need to reconnect with nature and the creative forces of the universe to thrive and grow, both individually and collectively.
    • Insights from Sandra's latest book, "Walking Through Darkness," which explores the concept of initiation and its relevance to the challenges faced by the world today.

    Guest Quotes

    • "In an initiation, like we're going through where we're really just being asked to change roles and to not let our ego think it's in control of everything and let our spirit and our soul shine more in the world and guide us, which is, What was intended for us when we came in not to have society and the collective guide us, but our own soul and our own spirit guide us."
    • "The feeling of lostness has to happen because it really is the death of an old way of life. Initiation is a death of a phase of life that's over and we have to step into a new phase of life where we understand from a shamanic point of view, from a spiritual point of view, that we were created from so much love from the creator, creative forces of the universe, God, the goddess, whatever words that you use, and that seed of love was planted inside of us so that we're actually a reflection of those great sources. But we've forgotten that."
    • "Don't give up anybody. It's our destiny. We're here for a particular reason right now. And do your simple practices and you're going to start to feel some of the magic happening. And you're going to start to tune into ways that you can simply move forward."
    • "And what practice do we really have today that has survived over 100,000 years? And why has shamanism survived over a hundred thousand years? And the reason is, is that it's a very result oriented practice."
    • "In shamanism, we have the belief that there are volunteer divine spirits that are helping us as earth beings to grow and to expand and to come to a place of really understanding why we were born here."
    • "And so at different points in one's life, In different cultures, there might have been an initiatory experience that was really difficult to survive. Being buried, having red ants crawling over you for three days, um, walking through fire, which of course is very dangerous. And so in shamanic cultures, through an initiation, as people got in touch with their spiritual strength, because that was the only way to survive an initiation, They became these powerful members that could add to the survival of the community."
    • "Initiations were always about stripping away the ego and allowing the spirit to shine. through and, and that was for you personally for your own consciousness, but so that you could be a strong member of the community and not weaken the community, but add to the community."
    • "The time that we're living in is about, let's look at what's been unhealthy about how we've been living. Let's look at how we don't love ourselves. Let's look at how we broke our connection to the creative forces of the universe, thinking we were it. And how we broke our connection to nature."
    • "And nature is what feeds us. We thrive because of our connection to nature. So when you break a connection to nature, how do you live?”
    • "If you look at what's happening in the world today, there's a huge shift in consciousness happening. And it's happening through disaster, through loss, through war. Through all the losses, mysterious health issues, the pandemic coming in, everything, everything that came in kind of broke us down."
    • "The spirits came in to help you harmonize with the earth and the land that you lived on…with the trees and the plants and the spirits teaching how to find food and what food was for."
    • "Everything had to work, you know, or the practice [of Shamanism] would have died. But one of the most important things about the practice that really remained throughout its entire time is community."
    • "It's not a practice you just go into and go, “Oh, that was interesting.” It's, did you get the healing? Are you working towards raising your consciousness? How connected are you to the power of the universe and to yourself? And how much do you love yourself?"
  • Resources to Learn More


    Shamanic Practice & Teachers


  • Terms & Tools to Dig Deeper

    • Ceremonies: Shamanic practices used to let go of past traumas, call in good health, and connect with the spirit world. Ceremonies can bring a sense of centeredness and stability.
    • Community: In shamanic cultures, community is crucial for survival and growth. Initiations help individuals become strong members of their community, contributing to its overall well-being.
    • Consciousness: Shamanic practices aim to shift individuals' consciousness, helping them reconnect with their true selves, nature, and the creative forces of the universe.
    • Ego: The part of the self that identifies with the individual's sense of importance and identity. Shamanic initiations often involve stripping away the ego to allow the spirit to shine through.
    • Initiations: Challenging life experiences that strip away the ego and allow the spirit to shine through. Initiations are opportunities for growth, transformation, and stepping into a new phase of life.
    • Nature: The natural world, including the Earth, elements, plants, and animals. Reconnecting with nature is essential for personal growth, healing, and thriving in shamanic practices.
    • Omens: Signs from the universe that guide us and help us make decisions. Omens can be found in nature, such as the wind, clouds, sun, or animals appearing at significant moments.
    • Shamanic journeying: A ceremony in which individuals enter an altered state of consciousness to connect with spiritual realms and receive guidance from helping spirits.
    • Shamanism: An ancient spiritual practice that dates back over 100,000 years, focusing on the connection between humans, nature, and the spirit world. Shamanism is known for its result-oriented approach to healing and growth.
    • Soul Retrieval: A shamanic healing method that involves retrieving lost soul parts that have been separated from an individual due to trauma or other life experiences. Soul retrieval can help alleviate depression, addiction, and other mental health issues.Spirits: Non-physical entities that provide guidance, wisdom, and healing in shamanic practices. Spirits can include ancestors, nature beings, and divine guides.
  • Read the Full Transcript

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