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    Marcia Canestrano - Healing with the Akashic Records (#025)

    In this episode, Marcia Canestrano, an Akashic Records reader and Kundalini yoga teacher, discusses her journey as a healer, the nature of Akashic Records, and offers insights on spiritual growth and transformation.
    Read the full Show Notes below!

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  • "Follow the nudge, follow your passion. And I don't mean that in a trite way, I mean that in just a fun, explorative, maybe it'll lead to something big, maybe it'll just make you happy for a minute or two."

    - Marcia Canestrano

  • Today's Guest


    Marcia Canestrano is a KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher with The Awareness Center in Pasadena, CA who has been teaching since 2006 across Los Angeles, Tampa Bay and Zoom.


    Marcia has been traversing the Akashic Records since she was a child able to see various other lifetimes. Her relationship with the Akashic Records currently is one of inspiration revealing transformational techniques and divine guidance to invoke the deepest of clarity, expansion, upliftment and healing for others through her readings the last 20 years. Oracle cards have proven a tool of divine guidance that Marcia loves to utilize in her readings. She is excited to be bringing in the Ancient-Future wisdom for the Aquarian Age.


    She is also a Saraswati Healing™ and Kuan Yin Transmission™ by Alana Fairchild licensed certified practitioner and The Body Code® certified practitioner. She brings her psychic talents as an Akashic Record reader to add extra elevation, healing and divine guidance to her classes. Her inspired intention as a light bearer is to assist others in opening up to their Truth allowing them to fulfill the highest potential of their divine destinies.


    Marcia Canestrano

    ~Akashic Record Reader

    ~Kundalini Yoga Teacher

    ~Alana Fairchild Saraswati Healing and Kuan Yin Transmission™ Licensed Practitioner


    How to get in touch:


    Website: https://www.marciacanestrano.com/

    Email: marciacanestrano@gmail.com

    Instagram: @ShaktiSoulCoach

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  • Show Notes

    In this episode, Amanda Parker interviews Marcia Canestrano, a KRI certified Kundalini yoga teacher and Akashic Records reader. Marcia explains that the Akashic Records are a "library of high vibration" containing every soul's blueprint, allowing access to past lives, parallel timelines, and future possibilities. She describes her journey as a "reluctant healer" who was pushed into this work despite initially pursuing a career in theater and entertainment.


    Marcia discusses how Kundalini yoga helped open her intuitive abilities and led her to priestess work. She emphasizes the importance of trusting one's intuition and following synchronicities as guidance. Marcia shares how she built her healing business primarily through word-of-mouth referrals by staying in a state of trust and surrender.


    The conversation covers topics like reincarnation, healing through accessing past life information, and the challenges of "coming out of the closet" as a healer. Marcia offers advice for those starting on a spiritual path later in life, emphasizing self-healing and trusting the process. She also discusses various healing modalities she practices, including Akashic Record readings, body code work, and shamanic breathing techniques.

    Key Takeaways

    • The Akashic Records are the library of high vibration where every soul's blueprint and history are kept, providing access to past lives, parallel timelines, and future possibilities.
    • Accessing the Akashic Records can provide guidance and healing, helping individuals access their full potential and divine destiny in this lifetime.
    • Healing equals transformation, and work with the Akashic Records focuses on facilitating this transformation through resolving past life issues and current relationships.
    • Trusting intuition, following synchronicities, and surrendering to divine guidance can lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth.
    • Reincarnation allows for the exploration of multiple lifetimes and the integration of wisdom from those experiences.
    • "Coming out of the closet" as a healer can be challenging and requires discernment about when and how to share one's gifts. Meet people where they are and honor their journey.
    • Self-healing and trusting the process are crucial for those beginning their spiritual journey. "Healer, heal thyself" is an important principle to follow.
    • You don't have to be psychic to know that you are being guided. Trust the synchronicities and signs you receive as messages from the divine.
    • Building a healing business through trust, word-of-mouth referrals, and surrendering to the flow of abundance can be effective.
    • Explore different healing modalities like Kundalini yoga, breathwork, and energy healing to complement Akashic Record readings. Follow your passion and nudges, even if it's just for a moment of joy.
    • Be a pillar of light and bring healing energy to the world. Bringing joy and gratitude to the planet is a form of healing in itself.
    • Various healing modalities and practices can support one's spiritual journey and work with the Akashic Records.
  • What We Talked About

    • Definition and nature of Akashic Records
    • Marcia's journey as a "reluctant healer"
    • The role of Kundalini yoga in opening intuitive abilities
    • Building a healing business through trust and referrals
    • Reincarnation and past life healing
    • Challenges of embracing one's identity as a healer
    • Advice for those starting their spiritual journey later in life
    • Various healing modalities and practices
    • The importance of following synchronicities and divine guidance

    Guest Quotes

    • "The Akashic Records very simply is the library of high vibration, where every soul's blueprint is kept. So we have access to the past, to the parallel timelines and dimensions, and we can see future possibilities."
    • "I'm definitely a reluctant healer. And that's something I, that's one of my things in this lifetime that I'm healing."
    • "Healer, heal thyself. You start on that journey. Heal or heal thyself, and then you are able to, you know, you'll be led, you'll be guided to bringing in the clients, to bringing in the contact, to bringing in the networks."
    • "You don't have to be psychic, you don't have to be clairvoyant or clairaudience or clairsent. You don't need any of that to know that you are being guided."
    • "Follow the nudge, follow your passion. And I don't mean that in a trite way, I mean that in just a fun, explorative, maybe it'll lead to something big, maybe it'll just make you happy for a minute or two."
    • "Kundalini yoga is the yoga of awareness... It's all about opening up the pituitary gland, opening up the third eye, open up the pineal so that we can access more of our intuitive nature and, and balance the head with the heart."
    • "We are all here, particularly the light workers, the healers, Um, the light bearers, the way showers to be the foremost pillar of light, the beacon to bring through this high healing energy from not only the heavens, but from earth."
    • "Sometimes like for me, you just are tired of being miserable. Or living in a miserable space and it's like, okay, I will do, I will surrender and do whatever it takes to do this healing work. And that is the growth. That's where the growth comes."
  • Resources to Learn More

    Oracle Decks



  • Terms & Tools to Dig Deeper

    • Akashic Records: A non-physical library of information containing every soul's blueprint, past lives, and potential futures.
    • Ancestral healing: The process of resolving and healing issues passed down through family lineages.
    • Body Code: A healing system developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson that addresses physical and emotional issues.
    • Breathwork: Various techniques of controlled breathing for physical, mental, and spiritual benefits.
    • Celtic shamanism: Spiritual practices rooted in ancient Celtic traditions.
    • Chakra system: Energy centers in the body, including the cosmic and earth chakra systems mentioned.
    • Divine Feminine: The feminine aspect of divinity, often associated with nurturing and intuitive qualities.
    • Gaia: The personification of Earth as a living entity.
    • Kundalini Yoga: A form of yoga that focuses on awakening spiritual energy and expanding consciousness.
    • Lemurian energy: Refers to the spiritual energy associated with the mythical lost continent of Lemuria.
    • Oracle decks: Card decks used for divination and spiritual guidance.
    • Pillar of Light: A concept of being a channel for divine energy and wisdom.
    • Pranayama: Breathing exercises used in yoga and meditation practices.
    • Priestess work: Spiritual practices and roles traditionally associated with feminine divine energy.
    • Psilocybin ceremony: A ritual involving the use of psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound.
    • Quan Yin transmission: A healing technique certified by Alana Fairchild.
    • Reincarnation: The belief that souls are reborn into different bodies over multiple lifetimes.
    • Shamanic breathing: A breathwork technique for healing and spiritual growth.
    • Soul star chakra: An energy center believed to be located above the crown chakra, associated with higher consciousness and spiritual connection.
    • Star seed: Individuals believed to have originated from other star systems or dimensions.
    • Synchronicity: Meaningful coincidences that provide guidance or confirmation on one's spiritual path.
    • Tarot: A deck of cards used for divination and self-reflection.
    • Wachuma (San Pedro) ceremony: A ritual involving the use of the San Pedro cactus, known for its psychoactive properties.
  • Read the Full Transcript

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