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    Suyogi Gessner - Healing with Ayurveda (#007)

    In this episode, Amanda Parker speaks with renowned expert in Ayurvedic medicine and pulse diagnostics, and is a Spiritual Mentor, Suyogi Gessner as she shares the remarkable healing power of Ayurveda, India's 5,000 year old science of life.

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  • “When the disciple is ready, the right master will appear...you should never give up, never ever give up.”

    - Suyogi Gessner

  • Today's Guest


    Suyogi Gessner is a renowned expert in Ayurvedic medicine and pulse diagnostics, and is a Spiritual Mentor.


    She has spent the last three decades guiding people to better health, true happiness and spirituality. Suyogi is the founder of Ashish Transformation, based in Berlin, a healing practice where she has served hundreds of patients annually for over 20 years.


    As a certified Heilpraktiker (Alternative Practitioner), Ayurveda expert, and Vaidya, Suyogi is considered a leading expert in Siddha Veda, an ancient healing tradition that goes back to Lord Buddha's personal physician, Jivaka.


    After training with master healer Dr. Pankaj Naram and Dr. Smita Naram, Suyogi dedicated her life to the spiritual and holistic inner healing of body, mind and spirit.


    She successfully treats all types of diseases and applies the healing methods of Siddha Veda. For over 20 years Suyogi has worked successfully with Ayushakti and hosts yearly pulse workshops in Berlin.


    Suyogi was awarded the “Nadi Vaidya Ratna Award” for her extraordinary expertise in Ayurveda.


    How to get in touch:

    Website (EN): www.suyogigessner.com

    (Download your FREE 3-Day Detox Plan from Suyogi’s website)

    Email: info@ashish-transformations.de

    Website (DE): www.ashish-transformation.de/

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  • Show Notes

    Join Amanda for a fascinating discussion with Suyogi Gessner, an expert in Ayurvedic medicine, India's ancient holistic healing tradition and and pulse diagnosis. Suyogi transports us to a world where health encompasses body, mind and spirit. We learn how Suyogi herself found Ayurveda after being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in her 20's. Her intense training under Ayurvedic master Dr. Pankaj Naram cured her illness and set her on a journey to help others.


    Suyogi explains the conceptual foundations of Ayurveda - the three doshas of Vata, Pitta and Kapha that make up one's constitution. She describes her mastery of pulse diagnosis, a sensitive technique for detecting imbalances in organ systems and emotions. We hear amazing stories of Suyogi facilitating deep healing for over 100,000 patients from around the globe.


    The conversation explores detoxification through Panchakarma, intensive Ayurvedic cleanses that eliminate sticky toxins from the body. Suyogi stresses the importance of removing these toxins, or "ama", in order to heal chronic conditions.


    Beyond physical healing, we learn how Suyogi integrates spiritual practices into her work empowering women across the world. She shares insights from ancient Ayurvedic scriptures and gurus she has learned from. Suyogi's passion for sharing this ancient wisdom is palpable.


    For those wishing to try Ayurveda's approach to holistic wellness, Suyogi recommends the book “Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer: A Western Skeptic, An Eastern Master, And Life’s Greatest Secrets” by Clint G. Rogers by about Suyogi’s late teacher Dr. Naram. Suyogi also shares introductory resources people can engage with right away to start exploring the healing potential of Ayurveda (including a free 3-day detox plan for listeners!


    Listen now for a tour of Ayurveda's profound power to heal body, mind and spirit.

    Key Takeaways

    • Ayurveda is an ancient holistic healing system from India that is over 5,000 years old. It focuses on bringing balance to the mind, body and spirit.
    • Ayurveda sees health as being connected to our surroundings and environment. Things like diet, lifestyle, emotions, relationships and even the season can affect our inner balance.
    • There are three main energies or doshas in Ayurveda - Vata (air/movement), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (water/earth). We each have a unique mix of these doshas that comprise our constitution.
    • Imbalances in our doshas cause disease and illness. Ayurveda aims to heal by finding the root imbalance and bringing things back into harmony.
    • Pulse diagnosis is a key Ayurvedic technique to assess imbalances in the body and emotions. It takes great skill and deep concentration.
    • Detoxification is an important part of Ayurvedic healing. Things like the "magic mung soup" and Panchakarma detox can eliminate toxins.
    • Ayurveda has a spiritual component, seeing health and wellness as connected to our life purpose and meaning.
    • Suyogi recommends the book "Secrets of the Pulse" about Dr. Naram as a resource for learning more about Ayurveda.
    • It took dedicated Ayurvedic treatment over 1.5 years for Suyogi to fully heal her own health challenges - through dietary changes, herbal formulas, and other protocols, but once she healed herself the illness never came back.
    • Suyogi integrates spiritual practices like meditation into her Ayurvedic treatments, seeing them as interconnected. She sees herself as a lifelong student, continuing to learn the miracles of healing from every patient interaction.
    • Suyogi is most joyful when she can help alleviate suffering and empower people to reach their potential.
  • What We Talked About

    • The origins and key principles of Ayurveda, India's ancient holistic healing system
    • How Ayurveda views health as a balance between mind, body and spirit
    • The three doshas - biological energies that make up each person's constitution
    • Pulse diagnosis, a sensitive technique to detect imbalances in the body
    • Suyogi’s integration of spiritual practices with Ayurvedic healing
    • Suyogi's training under Ayurvedic master Dr. Pankaj Naram
    • Suyogi’s story, including how she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at age 28 and was devastated thinking her life was over. Ayurveda gave her hope.
    • At first, Suyogi was very shy and quiet when she started learning pulse diagnosis. It took 15,000 patients before she could detect imbalances through pulse alone.
    • She integrates spiritual practices like meditation into her Ayurvedic work, seeing the two as deeply connected.
    • Stories of Suyogi's patients and transformative recoveries
    • Simple home remedies and introductory Ayurvedic resources
    • She still sees herself as a student, constantly learning more about Ayurveda's healing wisdom from every patient interaction.

    Guest Quotes

    • "Ayurveda is actually a 5000 year old science. Ayur means life and Veda means science. So it's a science of life."
    • "In Ayurveda, it's believed that our mind, our thoughts are affecting our health, our body, and vice versa."
    • You need to know the purpose of life. You need to know what you really want…in order to make this complex system a little bit more understandable”
    • “And when you see the pulse, you can immediately make out the imbalances. And then what you do is when you find out, because Ayurveda is not treating the symptoms, Ayurveda is always treating the root cause.”
    • “Ayurveda is actually a science of observing. You observe nature, how nature works... Ayurveda is not treating the symptoms, Ayurveda is always treating the root cause.”
    • "I gave her some Marma techniques...a healing mantra to release emotional pain...herbs to remove the vata and the pitta...and we did a detox. And after two and a half months, this woman was totally transformed."
    • "Ayurveda was the first medicine 2500 years ago...they performed the first surgeries...deep healing already is amazing."
    • “And this is what Ayurveda wants. Look, even 125,000 years ago, they were saying, you can live up to 120, but now the longevity medicine is also finding out. If you understand how to balance yourself, if you understand to regular detox, and if you understand what you need that you stay vital and happy and joyful.”
    • “Because of course the diet is also very important, right? The lifestyle is important. But what I have seen is when people get experiences and then they slowly are getting a better understanding of their own body and emotions and mind and they see aha if I eat for example more according Ayurvedic principles I feel much more grounded and calm and I feel much better and then they do it more often.”
    • "When you take a pulse, you're connecting to the heart and soul of this person. And you really go, your energy and his energy will become one... you get a lot of information if you are totally focused on that person in front of you.”
    • “Ayurveda is actually looking for the root cause and see it more in the imbalancing. What is out of balance? Where do we have to work on? And then you get a much better and a much deeper understanding also of it.”
    • “And this God Dhanvantari observed the humans, how is their lifestyle, with their wrong emotions, that they were hating each other, that they had all these egos and all the stubbornness and everything what we can see right now in the world. And he was seeing how much suffering this means for humans. Yeah. And then the body gets out of, uh, out of balance. The mind gets getting crazy. We get all these different kinds of emotional diseases, like anxiety, depression, and so on, psychosis. And he said he could not bear it out of love anymore.”
    • “Buddha was a revolutionary spiritual being.”
    • "Everyone has their time and their process, and everything, right? And slowly, slowly in everything, in Ayurveda or in spirituality, it means to go deeper and deeper and deeper."
    • "You have to train yourself to be focused only on one thing. And only when you're focused on that one person - no matter what is happening in your life, no matter what is happening in the world - this is a moment between two souls."
    • “And every patient is actually so eone who you learn the miracle of life.”
    • “In Ayurveda you say that the deepest state of presence is the state of being when you are connected with your heart and soul. And then you are in, then people you know they immediately trust you because when you are in the state of being. Then there's a connection between you and me, between your soul and my soul.”
    • “What I would explain to my five-year-old self. Yeah, I would say I found my passion and my love to help people to transform and heal. And I can serve these people through giving them so many, so many beautiful, sometimes miraculous recipes or hints, etc. And it is so much fun to do this. And what you feel is that your heart is jumping full of joy when you do that. And when you see someone who was suffering and he's not suffering anymore or she, this is the most beautiful thing you can you can actually have in your life.”
    • “If you understand how to balance yourself, if you understand to regular detox, and if you understand what you need that you stay vital and happy and joyful…you have this vibrant health.”
    • "When people get experiences and then they slowly are getting a better understanding of their own body and emotions and mind and they see, “aha!” if I eat, for example, more according to Ayurvedic principles I feel much more grounded and calm and I feel much better."
    • "When the disciple is ready, the right master will appear...you should never give up, never ever give up."
  • Resources to Learn More

  • Terms & Tools to Dig Deeper

    • Agni - The metabolic fire and digestion power. Key for transforming food into nutrition and eliminating toxins.
    • Ama - Toxins and waste matter produced when agni is impaired. Accumulation of ama leads to disease.
    • Charaka - One of the principal early compilers of Ayurvedic teachings and texts. Known as the "Father of Ayurveda".
    • Dhanvantari - The Hindu God of Ayurvedic medicine, said to have imparted Ayurvedic wisdom to sages.
    • Detox - The process of eliminating toxins (ama) from the body through Panchakarma, herbs, diet and other cleansing measures. A key part of Ayurvedic treatment.
    • Doshas - The three biological energies/elements that comprise a person's prakriti or constitution. Keeping doshas balanced is key for health.
    • Guru - A spiritual teacher or guide in Indian traditions. Helps lead an individual from darkness/ignorance to light/wisdom.
    • Heilpraktiker - Heilpraktiker ("healing practitioner") is a naturopathic profession in Germany. It is recognized as an alternative and complementary health care profession by German law.
    • Kapha - One of the three doshas representing earth/water. Provides structure, stability, strength. Imbalances cause lethargy, weight gain, congestion.
    • Marmas - Sensitive energy points on the body used in Ayurvedic massage and treatment.
    • Ojas - The pure essence of bodily tissues according to Ayurveda. It governs strength, immunity and vitality.
    • Panchakarma - An intensive Ayurvedic detoxification protocol using massage, enemas, herbal oils, etc. Purifies the body of deep-rooted ama.
    • Pitta - One of the three doshas representing the fire element. Governs metabolism, digestion, intelligence. Imbalances cause anger, inflammation, skin conditions.
    • Prakriti - An individual's unique mix of doshas determined at birth. Our blueprint.
    • Prana - The vital life force or energy believed to animate all living beings. Ayurveda seeks to balance prana.
    • Pulse diagnosis - Ancient Ayurvedic technique of assessing the body and mind by feeling the pulse. Reveals imbalances in doshas, organs, emotions.
    • Shakti - The divine feminine creative power in Hinduism. Ayurveda sees women as embodying this divine energy.
    • Shirodhara - It's an Ayurvedic healing technique that involves having someone pour liquid — usually oil, milk, buttermilk, or water — onto your forehead.
    • Siddha Veda - The culmination of healing methods known and practiced by an unbroken lineage of master healers from the Himalayas, dating back more than 2,500 years.
    • The Scriptures - Likely referring to the classical Sanskrit Ayurvedic texts like Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita.
    • Trāṭaka - Meditation technique involving staring at a single point such as a black dot, or a flame.
    • Vaidya - A Sanskrit word meaning "doctor, physician" in Ayurvedic medicine.
    • Vata - One of the three doshas representing the air/wind element in the body. Associated with movement, creativity, and change. When imbalanced can cause anxiety, insomnia, digestive issues.
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